Bongbong Marcos, first Filipino on the moon

Bongbong Marcos  Doveglion cover


FROM High Fly the Honeymoon Nixons, an article written by Quijano de Manila quoting US president Richard Nixon’s dinner speech delivered in Malacañang during his one-day visit to the Philippines in August 1969. The article was also included in a 1977 anthology Doveglion and Other Cameos by the same author.

“When Mrs. Marcos visited the United States in May, 1968, in her party was a young Filipino who indicated a great interest in our space program and great knowledge of it and as a result the State Department sent him to Cape Kennedy to evaluate the space program. After he looked it over, he said he would like to put in a request to be the first Filipino to go to the moon.
“Tonight I have an announcement to make. On the first vehicle that carries passengers to the moon, Bongbong will be on that vehicle. This is just to make it official. And if because of his age he won’t be able to go to the moon, maybe we can have him to on the first vehicle to Mars!”


*Bongbong Marcos photo from